Guts With Grace:
Love your Body. Rock your Life.
Guts with Grace:
Do you have the Guts to Live your Life
with Grace?
Guts with Grace: The Anatomy of Your Health.
Guts With Grace: You Came Into This Life to Get to
Know Your Soul, Not Sell It.
Guts with Grace: Captivating, Vibrant, Sensual…
Awaken to the many forces affecting your well-being and empower yourself to thrive in a changing world!
The healthier your BODY is, the easier it is to manifest what you want in this reality.
What if there is a way to connect the dots for yourself and move towards the things you want most in life: more money, deep and satisfying love, vibrant energy and health…? No matter how long you’ve struggled and even if everything else you’ve tried has failed…In my 30 years of showing people how to have massive breakthroughs in their lives, the secret I have discovered is this: The FASTEST path to the love you want and the money you deserve runs right through your body and in deeply connecting to yourself.
Tired of dead-end relationships? The answer is in your body. Desire to create your own personalized self-love plan without beating yourself up for feeling selfish? Your body and heart will show you the way. Wonder why every career you choose ends up being just blah or your efforts to build a thriving business never get you where you want to be? Your body will tell you why you are stuck.
If you’ve been struggling with the same self-sabotaging behaviors keeping you from the things you yearn for: the answer isn’t just in your attitude…OR your mindset…it’s in your body…
“Guts with Grace: Love your Body. Rock your Life.” will empower you to know what you want and to create what you desire: Body, Life, Relationships, Business.
By discovering what is stopping you then committing to change it, (which doesn’t include mentally processing it over and over and over) you will find solutions to break the cycles and bring in better health, more money, improved relationships and more love!
What’s in it for you?
- Start to identify root causes keeping you from what you want in your life, body and business.
- Begin to understand how your thoughts and emotions directly effect your physical health.
- Learn whole new ways of taking care of yourself that work for you!
- Learn to redirect your fear and live with more dynamic ease, grace and flow.
- Experience how your physical movement and posture effect everything you do.
- Change your embodied presence in the world to explode abundance!
- Be stronger in your relationships by strengthening your self-confidence.
- Once and for all, destroy self-sabotaging habits stopping you from receiving more money, more love and more joy!
The Guts and Grace Program:
- Monthly Focus supporting you in creating powerful change with Grace and Ease
- Daily Inspirational Messages
- Monthly Movement and Embodied Confidence Tasks
- 2 monthly group sessions with Tracy Revell
- 1 monthly email check in session with Tracy
- Guts with Grace Forum for constant support
- Beginning Focus and Intentions Call with all participants
- Embodied Confidence Cards and the accompanying guide
- Personal Journal
Month 1: Physical Body Confidence
- Guts and Grace instructional whole body and core movement video
- Focus Topics:
~Physical Self-Care
~Biology of Belief
~Fitness & Movement-Profound Importance of finding what works for you
~Nutrition-Profound Importance of finding what works for you
~Brain and Gut Connection
~Nervous and Endocrine System
Month 2: Mental Body Confidence - Mind-Body Connection Article: Understanding the Psycho-Emotional Roots of Embodied Confidence by Tracy
- PDF of Louise Hays’s original book “You Can Heal Your Life”
- Easy to reference Copy of the “Four Agreements” by Don Miguel
- Focus Topics:
~Moving Meditation
~Form and Discipline
~Visualization-We are all making everything up anyway
~The Mind’s Job-to keep the status quo to keep you safe.
~Acknowledging strengths and weaknesses: working with them from a place of
personal powerMonth 3: Emotional Body Confidence
- Copy of the poem “The Invitation” by Oriah Mountain Dreamer
- “Living with Guts and Grace: Confidence and Ease” article by Tracy
- “Presence and self-love quotient in life and business” article by Tracy
- Focus Topics:
~Importance of Physical Movement: Emotion in Motion
~Feeling vs. Emotional (Getting Lost in it)
~Clarity and Boundaries
~Self and Other Love
~Inspiration and intuitionMonth 4: Spiritual Body Confidence
- PDF of “Creation of Health: The Emotional, Psychological and Spiritual Responses That Promote Health and Healing” by Caroline Myss and Norman Sealy.
- Focus Topics:
~Soul Agreement
~Honoring the True Presence
~Your Unique You
~Relationship to Self and Others
~Connection, Communication, Communion
~Feminine and MasculineMonth 5: Scarcity: Being Seen or Being Invisible
- Quiz Identifying your Self-Sabotaging Tendencies
- Focus Topics:
~Noticing how your tendencies show up in your life.
~Money, Weight, Food, Time
~9 Core Fears
~Using your tools to redirectMonth 6: Living With Integrity: Body, Life, Relationships, Business
The state of being sovereign, whole and undivided within yourself and your life.
Being honest, with yourself and others, and living your life clear about your beliefs, motivations, values and principles.
Focus Topics
~The 5 Levels of Truth Telling
~Confidence, Clarity and Boundaries
~What you know to be true is true for YOU-respect yourself and others,
their truth is very probably different.Month 7: Living With Integration: Body, Life, Relationships, Business
Bringing it ALL together.
Consolidation, implementation, differentiation, combination, assimilation, alliance and union-Body, Mind, Emotion, Spirit.
Month 8: Love it. Live it. Own it.
Focus Topics:
~Emotional Intelligence and Intellectual Intelligence
~Internal and External
~Moving Through Life with Confidence and Ease
~Moving Through Life with Guts and Grace
This program will support you in creating a Body, Mind, Emotion, Spirit integrated life that WORKS for you, adds Joy to your life, gives you the clarity needed to create a profitable business and increases your Confidence in your body and yourself.
All at your own pace!
This course is available for people anywhere
OPTION ONE: Pay in Full
One easy payment of $2300
OPTION TWO: Monthly Payments
Pay first payment ($350) here then Tracy will contact you for payment plan options!
Contact Tracy for payment plan options!