Everyone experiences our work together differently – Continue reading and see what resonates with you.
The abuse and manipulation was all I saw and knew and what I thought was truth and trust was a lie.
Work has been my life. I spend more time at work than home. The abuse and manipulation was all I saw and knew and what I thought was truth and trust was a lie. People were telling me I was killing myself by staying in the environment. Victim and no power. Dark place. Suicide. Then I found you. Then our house was remodeled. I started seeing the light. As I come out of the dark hole and see my new surroundings, I can see more happiness. I am fun to be around again. I can share my joy with others. I am not as focused on work and the life (my mind thought I wanted) any longer.
I was poisoning myself before. Now I have options I can see.
Tracy and her work were an important piece of the puzzle and contributed to the results I am living now…
In 2018, God lead me to Tracy Revell. She was teaching a class with my chiropractor whom my homeopathic professional had referred me to. I had been on a health journey with her since 2016, and this was another step on the path.
Tracy and her work were an important piece of puzzle and contributed to the results I am living with now.
Over the last 3 years I have lost over 50 lbs and my MS lesions are actually healing. I have never felt better. Between her loving Expertise and the other professionals I have worked with, God orchestrated all the right professionals for my health journey.
Thanks Tracy, you are a blessing!
I’m no longer seeing it as work.
I have “gone into my body” my entire life, but the way you’ve fostered this “gentle transition”, I’m no longer seeing it as work. It’s a natural part of me that really just needs to be listened to more often. I’ve had a habit of being critical of how I feel instead of just listening.
Beautiful words I just received from a client. Makes my heart happy!!!
Tracy is amazing! The work we have done in the past three months has not only changed my business, but it has also greatly improved my relationships with my loved ones and myself! Tracy has a way of helping you get out of your head and really connect to your heart and finding the root cause of your issues. In doing so, I have been able to shift my mindset in my business which has helped me grow! More importantly, though, this work has helped me really connect with my husband and kids. Tracy has helped me navigate some truly touchy subjects with love and grace instead of fear and not being true to myself. She has such a beautiful way of helping you feel what is holding you back from living your authentic life and pushing through those barriers.
I can’t thank you enough, Tracy, for changing my mindset and opening my heart in just these three short months! I look forward to removing more of my masks and living more authentically! ❤️
I’m almost in tears of joy.
I’m almost in tears of joy because I’m cleaning out my closet and clothes from my first year of teaching a decade ago actually fit me again! I’ve gone from a size 20 to a size 14 in 4 months. More to go yet. Now ranks as one of my proudest achievements. Thanks for being a positive example. Love you!!!!!
Tracy helped me to define what personal power means to me.
“Being in the Architectural/Engineering/Construction industry, I work with a lot of masculine personalities. My work with Tracy has helped me build my confidence in a way that helps me communicate in a direct and confident way while still feeling true to who I am. I have been able to tap into a stronger part of myself that has enabled me to step into more challenging situations at work and earn greater respect with the Vice Presidents of my firm.
My body image and personal power has also shifted, with working with Tracy. Tracy helped me to define what personal power means to me. I now have my own personal mantra that I use regularly to keep myself centered. Tracy’s constant reminding of my body/mind connection has helped me to be more appreciative and loving towards my body.
During month 5 of working with Embodied Confidence…
Time for my weekly check in on my 90-day challenge! 16 miles in week 9. Now on to week 10 with a 3.7-mile walk this morning.
Things I have observed during my walks:
*When I walk with my shoulders back and allow my shoulder blades to slide down to where they are meant to be AND engage my core…I don’t feel the “normal” pain in my knees, hips, and ankles! This is done without forcing the shoulders or the core.
*Then I began noticing that my feet were much more parallel in my steps when I engaged in the proper posture and core.
*This past week I noticed something else with my feet. For most of my life, I have been walking on the outside edge of my feet, thus wearing down that outer edge of heels on my shoes. Now I am concentrating on walking on my feet in a more balanced way! Lots of little shifts taking place.
This woman is amazing…
“she has helped me overcome SO many obstacles in my life…to reach deep down…and face those things I had no idea where effecting me…to become physically stronger…I’ve lost 12 lbs…and to focus on my marriage and worked with my husband and me to help us become stronger as well…I’ve started my own business and gained 3 promotions in the last few months as well as being asked back by my previous employers because they have seen the changes in me…”
I expected help with my business and maybe my diet or physical workouts but I feel transformed spiritually and physically.
My top goals when I started seeing Tracy was to help me build my direct marketing business as well as give me direction with my massage business. I really needed help in getting clear about which business to focus on and how to help it grow.
I had a lot of guilt over both businesses because I wasn’t giving either one my full attention.
As soon as I started working with Tracy I started getting clearer on what my passions were and therefore clearer on what I wanted out of my business. It very quickly became clear that I really did not enjoy direct marketing and that it was ok to let that business go away. In turn Tracy helped me to get very clear on my massage business. My passion was still there, I had just stopped nurturing it. Tracy held me accountable for how I was going to move forward with my business and to help it grow.
Tracy helped me to work towards these goals by helping me to understand the mind, body spirit connection. That if I don’t know how to nurture myself by loving my body and taking care of it how can I really love anything else in my life? Love and passion has to start with myself, only then can I truly share it with others. Once I love myself then I can learn how to bring that love and passion to my family, to my business, and to all other areas of my life.
There were so many areas in my life that I had guilt over. I wasn’t a good enough mom, my husband wouldn’t love me if I wasn’t successful, etc etc. It was amazing how different issues would pop up in exact timing with were we were in the program and Tracy would help to give me clarity in how to look at the issue and to be able to determine if it was a truth or a lie I was telling myself. I have learned to be still and search out the truth for myself.
The biggest tangible change I have noticed since starting Tracy’s program is no more guilt! I feel so free! My spirituality has grown to a much deeper level and I feel so at peace with myself and all my loved ones, friends and clients. I lost weight and feel awesome in my body. I developed a passion for learning how food really effects my body and I discovered how healthy eating changes our moods, our physical well being and our spirituality. I have never felt better in my body and I have never felt so in control of my physical health and my mental health before. Words cannot express how deeply grateful I am for Tracy’s coaching. I expected help with my business and maybe my diet or physical workouts but I feel transformed spiritually and physically. I feel complete in who I am.
I would describe Tracy as having amazing energy, spirituality, insight, laughter and tough as nails accountability. She was an absolute joy to work with. I highly recommend her if you need focus and accountability in your business or if you need help in changing your body image and learning to love yourself so that you can be a better person not only in your business but in your personal life as well. If you are willing to do the work, Tracy will take you on an amazing journey that will transform you into a happier and healthier and wealthier person.
Relationship that has most positive input and changed life for better!
“Missed day 6 meditation Saturday due to baking, so did it now. Journal question #2 write down which relationship gives you the most positive input and how it has changed you for the better…..
Definitely my coaching with Tracy Revell has had the greatest positive influence and impact on my life. Her energy is what my heart and soul have been missing for decades. She’s the friend, mother, sister,role model I’ve never had and always needed. She’s helping me to connect to the person I was meant to be and totally list touch with – if not beat down into submission and near obliteration. I’ve never had anyone in my life who is so encouraging. She is my ladder out of a very dark hole and into a whole (complete) new life where my real self can emerge and be brilliant.
Thank you Tracy!
Tracy came into my life for a reason
“I met Tracy just before Christmas 2014, and began working with her in January 2015. Just prior to meeting Tracy, my life had begun to unravel, or so I thought. My husband of 13 years had asked me for a divorce, and I subsequently found out he was having an affair. When confronted, he simply left the home we shared and never came back. I was at one of the lowest points in my life. I was focused on trying to figure out what I had done wrong, what was wrong with me, why didn’t my husband want me, etc. I was severely depressed. I had lost my self-confidence. I was looking to outside sources to help solve the problems in my life and to make me feel better.
“It has been a long, often painful road, but I can now look back on the past year of my life with pride and a feeling of accomplishment. Events that could have destroyed me truly have made me a better person. Working with Tracy, I have come to realize that there is nothing wrong with me. I am a strong, powerful woman, and I can do anything I set my mind to. I have learned there is no such thing as “perfect,” and that confidence is one of the most attractive features a person can have. I have learned that no other person is capable of making me happy – I must first be happy within myself.
“My first test of my new-found confidence came just days ago, when I was unceremoniously terminated from my senior executive-level position. Such an event would have broken me a year ago. But today, I am able to look at it as the universe responding to the energy I was putting out. I had been unhappy with my job for some time, but was reluctant to make a change. So much in my life had changed already! But the universe heard me anyway. The answer did not come in the way I would have expected, but most good things do not come in the way we expect. Once I got over the shock of the situation, I was able to see it for what it really was – a wonderful opportunity. I can now write the next chapter in the story of my life with absolute freedom!
“I didn’t realize it at the time, but Tracy came into my life for a reason. I did not seek her out, rather, it is as if she was placed in front of me. I never would have had the strength to get through the past year without Tracy’s guidance. I did the work, but Tracy showed me way. I still have a great deal of work to do – I will always be a work in progress. But I now approach life and its challenges and opportunities with greater confidence, and greater sense of myself. Thank you, Tracy!”
My heartfelt thanks to you!
“I just finished working with Tracy for the last six months and I’m delighted to say that my all facets of my life were changed for the better! My business has shown amazing growth along with my self-confidence. The integration of mind, BODY and spirit with an emphasis on balancing the feminine is hugely empowering.
My heartfelt thanks to you!”
my original goal of getting out of pain was met…
“It is weird to me to think that my confidence could improve by moving my body. And I don’t mean that my confidence improved because in moving my body I lost 20 pounds. Because I didn’t… yet. I started working with Tracy because I was experiencing pain in my hips and neck. I had corrective scoliosis surgery when I was sixteen – over 20 years ago. I was getting regular massage and seeing a chiropractor but it wasn’t helping to relieve the pain. I wanted to work with someone who was a trainer, to strengthen me, but also who wouldn’t push me too far physically and hurt me, like I had experienced in the past. Mostly, I wanted the pain to stop, and I wanted to increase my flexibility as I was slowly losing range of motion, and I was only 37.
“I was surprised how emotions came up for me in the process of working with her. I would cry because I couldn’t do a pole squat or a superman! My mind didn’t understand what I was asking of it and I wanted desperately for it to connect. I discovered that sometimes I had to really focus to get my abs to “connect” to my mind. I had to stop talking and think. And the sweat would bead on my head and I thought, “But I’m not even working that hard.”
“What Tracy explained was that it was so hard because I was actually being IN my body. I had ignored parts of me for so many reasons, and I was teaching my brain to re-communicate with those areas I had ignored. It was like I was learning to acknowledge myself. Just as I was. It is this that created confidence. I no longer was ignoring myself but instead began honoring myself. And, my original goal of getting rid of pain, was met as well.
“There are times the pain resurfaces and I work with Tracy, either with energetic work or physical work that somehow magically becomes energetic work. And I cry and process the pain and it dissolves. I imagine this will be a life-long work and am thankful to Tracy for introducing me to myself.”
Tracy is incredible …
“Tracy is incredible. Never before in my career have I worked with a coach … until I met Tracy. Not only is she a business coach for me but she incorporates so much more into the sessions. Mind, Body/Movement, and a lot of looking into how thoughts effect decisions. I met Tracy when I was in the midst of a business move and working with her during and after that transition has been truly amazing. I’ve seen more growth come into my business and more success as well.
“As for myself, I’ve been more confidant with my decisions in every aspect of my life and I’ve gotten back on track caring for myself. As with most busy working women, I put myself last. Tracy has helped me change that for the better. I would highly recommend Tracy for whatever aspect of your life you are interested in working on and taking to the next level. She will get you where you want to be.”
So much to say in so little time
This month, March, marks my first anniversary working with Tracy Revell. We met last March when I was looking for a personal development speaker. Having suffered a significant loss in my life, Tracy reached out to me and said, “I can help.” And she did. She has made me a stronger person both emotionally and physically and is always there to listen to me as she moves and stretches my body to make me stronger. Strength and flexibility are what we focus on and the effects have been tremendous.
You are truly one of a kind
You are so beautiful. I love your presence, your words, your wisdom, your encouragement. I love ALL of you. I think the world of you, not just for what you bring to others but for all of your inner reflection and all that you are. You are truly one of a kind I know your mother would be so very proud of the woman you have become and the woman that you fully are.
The work you do is amazing!
“A BIG thank you….. Tracy Revell…..for seeing me today on short notice….for helping me work through my whole leg spasm. This morning when I came to see you, I could barely walk and I’m walking easily now. The work you do is amazing! Thank you again for getting my body moving again!!!! For those of you who might be suffering in pain, go see Tracy! She will take care of you….for sure!”
increasing flexibility way more than I ever hoped for…
Working with Ms. Revell has been MORE than I ever expected. In addition to achieving my weight loss goals, I have had many physical issues and everything is much improved. I have had two total hip replacements, broken my back, had neck issues and I was having numbness and tingling in my shoulder. I am having both of my knees replaced by the end of the year and I was not able to even walk 100 yards without back pain. I also had bouts with sciatica over the years.
I can now walk long distances without pain in my back. My shoulder and neck are finally getting better and the pain is subsiding. The sciatica has not occurred in some time. I plan to continue working with Ms. Revell after my surgery, as I am confident that it will help with my recovery. We’ve also succeeded in increasing my flexibility way more than I ever hoped for. I have observed her in other one-on-one sessions with others, and realized that she completely individualizes each and every person’s workout to fit them.
Ms. Revell is a charming but tough “coach”. She is absolutely able to insure you get the maximum out of each and every workout session!
I love that you exude sexy, strength & confidence… wrapped up in a beautiful feminine package, all in balance.. you are IT, girl!
Awesome words from a client who just finished her program with me…
“It was months of eye opening realization. But now I feel like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders and skies the limit. And I have you too thank❣”
Sometimes we have fear And underlying things so buried we have absolutely no idea…
We get to choose and change…
Powerful words from a client who recently changed her entire life within our work…
I feel that my meeting Tracy was supposed to happen. I was definitely at a crossroads in my life and had really lost track of who I wanted to be and who I am. I had lost my job, moved to Colorado and was suffering from a lack of confidence. I met Tracy at a professional meetup group and felt drawn to her work. I met with her for a consultation and even though I was out of work and there was a cost to working with her, I felt that it was something that I needed to do for myself.
I wasn’t sure what to expect when we started and was pleasantly surprised. Tracy’s work isn’t just movement although that is an important part. I loved the breakthroughs that I made in the spiritual areas and in getting my confidence back. The sessions were profound in what we uncovered together and I found my way back to who I want to be and my confidence came back. I also learned to listen to my intuition and knowing in what is right for me.
I was going on interview after interview for jobs in Denver and nothing was fitting…I wasn’t landing any of the them, even the ones I THOUGHT were great fits. I got “thank you, no thank you” more times than I care to remember. I was baffled.
As soon as I learned to let go (a really key part of my learning with Tracy), everything started to come together. I became really clear in what I wanted from life/job and big shifts happened. I am employed now in a different city that I love and feel like a very different person than I was a year ago. I know I still have learning and growing to do and have the tools to do so because of my work with Tracy.
I would definitely recommend working with Tracy. Invest in yourself and you will be so happy that you did!
The “work” this evening launches me into the capacity for greater work!
Tonight I soaked in a lemon and ginger oil bath while listening to Deepak Chopra meditations. As I soaked I had revelations about self, and was inspired creatively. I have gotten to the point where I now honor these moments as “work”. Before starting this journey with Tracy, “work” was tangible items checked off a list. Yet the “work” this evening launches me into the capacity for greater work!
Being part of Tracy’s Guts and Grace program has helped me be more aware of my own thoughts and how important it is to be kind to myself.
My focus the last few months has been “impeccability with myself”, which I know contributes to my actions, effects my presence in the world and my relationships. This experience has also helped me realize that no matter what I’m struggling with, I’m never alone. I always have people to turn to for support and encouragement.
…one of a kind experience…
When Tracy reached out to schedule my first session, I told her that meeting with her was very “timely.” Little did I know how true that was.
You see, right before I met with her, I was entering a major crossroads in my professional life. As an entrepreneur, I was fighting tooth and nail every day to build my business, yet at the same time, I had a household relying on me to make ends meet. I was now working with a deadline to maintain my family, and that meant making a hard decision between two professional paths forward.
I went to Tracy expecting a bit of movement, new thoughts about being a woman, and possibly some self-esteem work. I came away having experienced a phenomenal therapy session which worked not only with my mind and heart but also with my body. Tracy has a way of coming at your insides with questions and observations that help you really dig into where you are mentally, spiritually, and physically.
While my first session focused more on mind and heart, the second session helped me align physically to the point of leaving me more centered (and the good kind of incredibly sore).
Embodied Confidence is a one-of-a-kind experience perfect for any woman who is missing a connection with her physical body, as well as what’s going on in the heart and mind. Whatever you’re expecting, leave your mind open to getting more than you thought.
“I was better able to connect with him…a few months ago I was concerned about losing my job and now know I have positioned myself as one of his pillars on his team”
I’m not sure how to really express what it is I need people reading this to get, but Tracy IS AWESOME!
Tracy Revell is incredible!
I’m not sure how to really express what it is I need people reading this to get, but Tracy IS AWESOME!
She’s inspiring and kicks butt at what she does.
I worked with Tracy for 12 months, and in that period, I experienced amazing changes in so many aspects of my life. I was able to get more clear on what I needed to do in my business and how to better utilize my schedule. Within 3 months of working with Tracy I left a client that had absolutely nothing to with my company, it was a client I held onto simply because I feared the unknown. Once I left, my business filled in that client hole with new clients that were in line with me and my business. I was able to keep my focus strictly on my business and take on new clients and increase my income. I was also able to complete some coursework I had left on the back burner for quite a while, which in turn, opened up some incredible opportunities for me. I’ve done things I never thought I’d do, and that’s a positive.
A side effect of my work with Tracy was that parts of my personal and home life also started clicking and flowing together better. Tracy’s work helps you learn to secure the pieces of your life together so the flow that works for you.
If you want to take your business to the next level or work on different aspects of your life, I highly, highly recommend Tracy. She is outstanding, a joy to work with, and somebody that you will absolutely see results in working with.
Thank you so much Tracy!
Sure do love you, woman, a true Goddess!!!
Taking a few moments to thank Tracy for her time and wisdom. Working with and getting to know Tracy over the past year has been life changing at the most core level.
Her patience is the first thing I noticed, which was inviting in a strange way. She waited for you to hear her and really feel through what she was saying and doing. I resisted her, as she made me uncomfortable because I knew she was going deep, not a place I go willingly.
Tracy was and is just what I needed and need moving forward. It is a privilege to work with her and recommend if you are seeking true evolution into a deeper knowing of who you are, call her. Gather your strength and face the expansion of you with Tracy’s Embodied Confidence program, and watch for the upcoming Guts & Grace.
Don’t wait! She may not have time soon as she’s going to blow up!!! I could not recommend her more highly.
Sure do love you, woman, a true Goddess!!!
Finding a stronger part of myself and rockin’ challenging workplace situations with greater ease and respect
“Being in the Architectural/Engineering/Construction industry, I work with a lot of masculine personalities. My work with Tracy has helped me build my confidence in a way that helps me communicate in a direct and confident way while still feeling true to who I am. I have been able to tap into a stronger part of myself that has enabled me to step into more challenging situations at work and earn greater respect with the Vice Presidents of my firm.
My body image and personal power have also shifted, with working with Tracy. Tracy helped me to define what personal power means to me. I now have my own personal mantra that I use regularly to keep myself centered. Tracy’s constant reminding of my body/mind connection has helped me to be more appreciative and loving towards my body.”
“I still need time to figure out in words how to express what you do aside from ‘I don’t know but it’s crazy hard and scary but as far as I can tell – amazing!’ :)” (After our very first meeting.)
“I want you to know how grateful I am for you pushing me, hard – with relentless effort and commitment. I know now that is why our paths crossed. I have hated and loved every minute together and apart. My greatest “aha” moment has been that I want “all this” that I’ve written out but I have lacked the desire, confidence, knowledge to be accountable. I don’t like being accountable because it means I’m going to offend and choose “no” to someone, some opportunity, something…. I am comfortable keeping my options open vs. being decisive. I’m scared to “choose” but I know what I want. In order to get what I want I have to make choices. I hate not being able to control anything but my attitude and my actions. I’ve realized I seek out reasons and sometimes create unnecessary reasons to “escape” either in an emotional tantrum, shutting down and shutting out, lowering the “bar” in my business and personal performance and “doing/action” vs. slowing down to harvest what I “hunted.”
I want you to know that I have grown more than I ever expected or knew with you and I know our relationship is not going to end permanently. I don’t know why but I know there will be a 2 days in the future: 1) where I am invited to celebrate YOU!!! and a 2nd where I am able to say thank you to YOU for helping me to reach my dreams.
I want you to know I don’t know how to complete the last 1/3rd of the circle – to complete and do what is necessary to:
2) TO SAY “NO” in order to say “YES” (*basically to get and have some kahunas!)
4) TO CREATE THE PERSONAL LIFE I DESPERATELY WANT (*and have written less about but know that accomplishing #1-3 above will accomplish #4)
5) Because of all of this, I know that we will have another 6 months together to bring it all full circle…
I want you to know how eternally grateful I am for you, your work and for sharing your gifts with me. I know I have been one of the most challenging clients you’ve worked with – I do pray that you don’t have a voo doo doll of me and aren’t sticking pins in it (JK!!!) Sincerely – thank you for going outside the “box” with me – I’m know as certain as the sun rises and sets that you are the only one who could have done this with me.” (After our 6 months together.)
Tracy is incredible …
“Tracy Revell was immensely helpful to me after my divorce and relocation. She helped me find the balance between my masculine & feminine while helping me to work out my emotions in my physical body. Her coaching enabled me to communicate more clearly, set intentions, enact boundaries, recognize tolerances, accept change, and build my confidence.
All of these were skills I needed to build my business by creating a calmer, more focused, more self-aware mind. Working with Tracy was instrumental for me to get through the “stuff” that blocks us from fully using our feminine power. Thank you, Tracy!!”
I love you tons! Thanks for the journey, I’m still on it!
Thank you again for your advice and counsel!
Thank you so much Tracy!
You can use this however you want, feel free to make grammatical corrections and change it to fit your needs. Feel free to use my first name as well.
I love you tons! Thanks for the journey, I’m still on it!
Hi Tracy, I drove out to California the last week of March and spent 10 days with my daughter Kedra and her family. It was the best time we’ve had together in several years. . In retrospect, I think a lot of that can be attributed to the work I’ve done with you and others since you and I ended our meetings, and on my own – so thank you again for your advice and counsel! Interesting how sometimes things take awhile to finally sink in and manifest!
Cheers to you!
just met with Tracy Revell…HOLY COW!
Personal Power, confidence, getting in touch with feminine energy…I feel different after just being with her for an hour! Have any of you done private sessions with her?! If you haven’t, you should! That girl has got it going on! Yes, please, I WILL have what she’s having!
I’m able to be Present, when I was never able to before.
I used to find myself pulled into all the “stuff” around me at work. Since I’ve been working with Tracy, I’m able to be present with myself and leave behind the conversations that do not bring value to me, allowing me to feel more positive and confident in my work environment.
I made steady recovery…
After several years of struggling with shoulder pain that limited my activity, I started working with Tracy Revell. Through her total-body approach to the issue, I made steady recovery back to the point where I can lift weights and have resumed my normal activity. I always feel great after a work out with Tracy!”
I’ve seen my body change, strengthen and tone…
Over the years of working with Tracy I’ve seen my body change, strengthen and tone to meet the goals we set. Tracy is constantly changing the routine to keep my muscles from “getting used to” a workout, and me from getting bored! Tracy has not only helped me recover from injuries and improve my posture, she compliments the other physical activities I need strength for and counter balances their effect on my body. Tracy has taught me body consciousness, how to be aware of correct form. I can do any workout or activity and know that I hold my body properly and just as important, when I’m not.
One of the best personal trainers I know…
Tracy is one of the best personal trainers I know, if not THE BEST. I work with her personally and I’m truly impressed by how well she knows the body. I also like that she views the body as being part of the whole person. I have learned a lot about myself through what Tracy has been able to see in how I move my body. Tracy also offers some really amazing women’s empowerment workshops that dive into the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual evolution of women…really cool stuff.
I owe her much and recommend her highly…
As a health care provider, I have always promoted movement and exercise as lifestyle additions to promote health and wellness.
However, it took Tracy Revell’s involvement as my personal trainer to enable me to “walk the talk” and not just “talk the talk”. Her patient, knowledgeable, supportive and encouraging approach to training has led to physical and emotional accomplishments I would have previously considered beyond me. I owe her much and recommend her highly and with no reservations to anybody wanting to fully reach their wellness potential.
increasing flexibility way more than I ever hoped for…
Working with Ms. Revell has been MORE than I ever expected. In addition to achieving my weight loss goals, I have had many physical issues and everything is much improved. I have had two total hip replacements, broken my back, had neck issues and I was having numbness and tingling in my shoulder. I am having both of my knees replaced by the end of the year and I was not able to even walk 100 yards without back pain. I also had bouts with sciatica over the years.
I can now walk long distances without pain in my back. My shoulder and neck are finally getting better and the pain is subsiding. The sciatica has not occurred in some time. I plan to continue working with Ms. Revell after my surgery, as I am confident that it will help with my recovery. We’ve also succeeded in increasing my flexibility way more than I ever hoped for. I have observed her in other one-on-one sessions with others, and realized that she completely individualizes each and every person’s workout to fit them.
Ms. Revell is a charming but tough “coach”. She is absolutely able to insure you get the maximum out of each and every workout session!